Overview about the total car owners, the total number of passengers in the site, lists of cars in the site. The dashboard also represents the user’s Login/Sign-up data through email, facebook Login, Google+ and LinkedIn.
Pictorial representation of the number of active/inactive passengers, car owners showed in percentage as well.
List of recent car bookings, the amount paid and the status of the payment (Paid/Pending).
All the admin of the sites will be displayed here. Name of the Admin, Email-ID, Admin Type (Super Admin/Sub Admin), date and time of last Login and logout, the IP address of the system where the site was logged in, and the status (Active/Inactive).
Admin has the privilege of resetting the password in case admin is unable to enter the admin panel due to any password issue
Admin needs to enter his/her details. Their name, Email address, and the currency is shown on the site. (Default currency is USD, which can be customized in coding). Option to enable/disable the instant pay option for the passengers.
Admin can enable/disable the instant payment option. When the instant payment option is enabled by both the car owner and the admin, users can book and reserve the rental cars instantly. If the instant pay option is disabled either by the admin or the car owner, users have to request to the car owners for booking the cars. The car owner can either accept/reject the request. Only after the request is accepted, users can make the payment and reserve the car.
Enter the contact email for the site, the name of the site, logo for your site, background image, Favicon image, watermark image if any
Description of the footer content in the bottom of the site about the copyrights and reserved.
Twilio is an SMS gateway to send SMS to customers. Set the Twilio account and update the information on Twilio status, Twilio account SID, Twilio account auth token, Twilio phone number.
The admin can set the maximum number of page limit in the car filter, popular page, places page, wishlist page.
Set the cancellation time limit for the cars, for both the car owners and passengers.
Option to update the currency manual/automatic. Update the country of admin living, exchange rate API key.
Add the social media links of your website. Facebook link, Google plus, YouTube link, Twitter link, Pinterest link, etc.
Give information about how you want your site to be displayed in google search engine. Include meta title information, meta keywords, meta description.
To identify and analyze in depth about your site visitors, paste the google analytics code here for your site.
Verify your site which you own and to be listed as the owner in search console.
Simple Mail transfer protocol.
The server is used when an email needs to be sent from one mail domain to another domain. Example: Mail from Gmail to yahoo or outlook, etc
Implicate any advertisement and its details under advertisement update. Give the advertisement details, title, image if any. The advertisements will be displayed on the advertisement page of the site.
A sitemap will help the users to understand the site and what is included in the site.
Import the sitemap file of the site.
For listing about an advertisement in the site, update the title of the advertisement, description, image and any URL where the advertisement should redirect.
Change the status to Active/Inactive based on whether or not you want the ad to be displayed on the website.
A dashboard showing a number of sub-admin and their status whether active or inactive.
A dashboard will also display the list of sub-admin, their names and the email address.
Note: Currently there is no sub admin. Hence the data in the dashboard will be blank.
The sub admin list will bring to view about all the sub admins, email id, Login date/time, last Login IP address and various action buttons.
To make a sub admin active/inactive click on Active/Inactive icons. Admin can delete the sub admin by icon, to edit the sub admin information, and an icon to view all the details about the sub admin.
Admin can add any sub admin by filling the details of the sub admin. Admin will select the access he wants to allow the particular sub admin and click on Update. The sub admin will be added.
Move the cursor over the graph to see the number of active and inactive passengers with percentage.
Admin can also see the recent passengers with their names, email addresses, status, and Image.
Information about the passenger's - name, email address, method of sign in, status (active/inactive), date & time of account creation, last IP & Login date.
Login User Type - Normal (customer sign in the app using their email id), Google (sign in via google), Facebook (Sign in via Facebook credentials)
Edit information about the guests, change the status to active/inactive, view passenger details or delete a passenger permanently.
Add existing passenger when there is any change in the platform where one might lose their existing customers.
Instead of waiting for passengers to again sign in by themselves, add passengers and the passengers will be notified about it via email/messages (as per admin’s preference).
Add passengers by filling details about the name, email id, phone number, user image, and status.
Option to export the list of passengers and save the file for any reference.
Graphical representation of the number of car owners registered with the site. The number of active/inactive/archived car owners with a percentage.
Recently registered car owners details, their names, email ID, image.
List of car owners registered in the site along with email ID of the car owners, Login type, car owner created date, last Login date, Login IP address, ID proof status whether verified or on request, active/inactive status, options to edit , delete and view the car owner details.
Click on the Edit button to edit various details of the Host as below:
Details about the car owner - Name, gender, date of birth, phone number, etc., their bank details - Account number, bank name, etc., password change, ID proof verification. Click on Save after editing the changes if any.
Archive list shows the car owners who are not deleted permanently but are hidden from the car owner list.
To remove any archived car owner, click on and the car owner will be removed permanently.
To add a car owner, fill the car owner details, bank details, click on Next and Submit. The car owner will be added.
Export car owner list will download and save the file in excel format with a list of car owners in the website which can be used for any reference.
The list of car brands to be listed in the websites are displayed here. Admin can add a new brand from the Add Brand option.
The status of the listed brands displays if the particular brands are displayed on the website or not.
Use the edit icon and delete icon to edit or delete any car brands.
Click on the status either to Active/Inactive the status of the car brands.
To make any car brand as featured, click on . The featured car brands will be shown as highlighted in the website on the Homepage.
The lists of different car models along with their brand name will be displayed under the Models.
Use the edit icon and delete icon to edit or delete any car models.
In order to add any car models, click on the Add Model. Select the brand, model name, and model description and submit to add the car models.
List of car types available in the website along with their status whether Active/Inactive.
To make any particular car type featured, click on the . To Edit and Delete any car types, click on and icons. Click on the Edit icon to change the car type name and the image.
To add a new car type to be listed in the website, type the name of the car type, select the appropriate image, and the status of the car type Active/Inactive.
Once submitted, the added new car type will be displayed on the website if the status is set as Active.
List of specifications added by the admin which a car owner can list when renting their car. The car owner can choose only the specifications which are added by the admin.
Click on Status to Active/Inactive any specifications. Action buttons to Edit and Delete the specifications.
Specification value shows the subdivisions under each specification.
List of specification and their values which can be provided by the car owner. Both the specifications and specification values are added by admin.
Edit or Delete the specification value or inactive the amenities. When the specification is inactive, it will not be shown or cannot be added by the car owner and will not be shown until the status is active again.
Option to add specifications by describing the specification and the name of specification.
Click on status to keep the specification active or inactive.
Add specification value by selecting the specification category from the drop-down list. Enter the specification value and icon. Click on submit and the specification value will be added to the list if active.
List of features which a car owner can include in his car listings will be listed under features types.
Admin can publish or unpublish the list by clicking on active/inactive status.
Admin has the option to edit or delete any features types by using the icons - and
To add new features, type the name of the new feature, select the type of new features (option/text).
Choose an icon for the feature and select the status as Active/Inactive.
A dashboard representing the list of cars which are booked, their percentage of demand and the active/inactive status of the car owners.
List of cars which are listed on the website will be listed under the car list. All the details of the particular car will be shown.
Car ID, car name, currency set by the owner, type of booking accepted by the car owner, the price of the car (hourly/daily/weekly/monthly basis), etc.
Options to Edit the information view icon . In order to locate the address of the car owner on the map, click on the icon.
Make any car featured by clicking on icon and to delete any cars listed, click To check the dates when the cars are available and unavailable, use icon.
Once you click on edit icon, you can see the details which the car owner provided while listing the car. Make any changes when required.
Admin can also publish/unpublish any cars at any time.
Admin can add a new car to the site if any car owner requests them to add the car.
Select rental owner’s name (who wants to list the car) from the drop-down list, select brand. Model, vehicle type, year. Click Save & Continue to proceed filling other details like Location, Pricing, Specifications, etc. Only if the mandatory fields are filled, admin can proceed in filling other fields.
Option to export the list of cars, their details and save the file for any reference.
Payments to the admin will be transferred according to the currency set by the admin. For example: If a guest pays for the booking amount in GBP (UK), and if the admin has set his currency like USD, even if the guest pays in GBP, the admin will receive the converted payments in USD.
Payment details of the cars booked will be displayed in the successful payment tab. Click on the view icon to check in detail about the cars. A successful payment will show the passenger email ID, payment date & time, booking ID No., total booking amount including service fees, etc.
The three payment methods used for the booking are PayPal, credit card and Stripe.
Payments which are in pending status or the payments which are failed will be shown here.
List of users who have listed their cars and the amount paid to the admin as a commission to list their car.
The payment mode, status of the amount paid, email id of the car owner, car title and the date of payment made will be displayed in the rental listing payment.
The total amount which a host receives from the number of orders. Net profits are the earnings of the admin for each booking.
The receivables & payments will show if any coupons or wallet amount used at the time of booking.
Export and download the list of successful payment, failed payment, rental listing, receivables & payables.
Details of the new bookings with passenger’s email Id and their booking status. Once the booking is confirmed, there will be pending confirmation on payment.
History of all the bookings which are completed will be listed here.
Bookings which are cancelled either by the passengers or the car owner will be displayed. The Booking No., date when the booking was made in the first place, booking amount, email ID of both passengers and the car owner.
Bookings are expired when the car owner doesn't respond to the bookings within a specified period. In such cases, bookings are expired and the list of expired bookings will be displayed under expired bookings.
Option to export the lists of a new booking completed bookings and expired bookings for reference.
A special feature to generate reports for cars, passengers, and car owners.
Select the start date and end date to generate the report and click on search. The report will be generated.
Option to export the reports generated by clicking on Export all.
List of commissions which an admin receives will be listed under the commission list. The commissions’ amount or percentage are pre-listed by the admin. However, the admin can edit the commission at any time by clicking on edit icon.
Note: Admin can change the Flat amount and the Percentage at any time using the edit option. But car owner listing is fixed as flat and for passengers, booking commission fixed as a percentage by default. In order to change this setting, admin has to contact his coding team.
Car owner listing: Admin will set their commission amount in the default currency. For each listing of the cars done by the car owner, this amount will be deducted by the admin as their commission, irrespective of car rates.
Passenger booking hourly: When an hourly booking is done by the passenger, irrespective of the rate of booking, the service fee of 10% from the subtotal amount will be the commission amount of the admin.
Passenger booking daily: When a booking is done by the passenger on a daily basis, irrespective of the rate of booking, the service fee of 20% from the subtotal amount will be the commission amount of the admin.
Passenger invite: Guests have an option to refer and invite their peers. The percentage commission will be received by both the user and the passenger referred on the first time booking.
Rental commission tracking will list the total number of cars booked under each car owner, the total amount earned by the car owner, total passenger service amount. If any wallet amount is used by car owners, it will be listed under the used wallet amount.
Passenger service fees are the commission amount for the admin. Only after the admin deducts his commission, the remaining amount will be paid to the car owner.
In order to view detailed transaction of each host, click on the View under the host’s email id.
All the transaction of the wallet used by the passengers will be displayed under rental wallet payment.
The wallet amount will be borne by the admin and the car owner will receive their entire booking commission.
Example: If one of the car bookings amounts $500 per night and a passenger have a wallet for $50. Passenger will pay $450 but the car owner will still receive $500. Here $50 will be borne by the admin.
Once the passengers have booked any trips, they will be able to give reviews about the car owners and the trips, till their check out date. Once the check out date is over, passengers cannot review either the trips or the car owners.
Admin will receive the notification once the passenger gives any review either on the car or the car owners. Admin can view the reviews which a passenger has given. Click on the view button to see the ratings, comments, the name of the passenger.
For the reviews to be displayed in the site admin needs to set the status as active. Once the status is active, passengers and car owners can see the reviews.
Admin will set the number of days the passenger can open a dispute/cancellation. The number of days to allow cancellation by the passengers or the car owner will also be set by the admin under the settings page.
When a passenger is not happy with the service, car, or any features of a car provided they start a dispute which is a complaint as a suggestion or messages with the car owner.
An admin can see the status of the dispute, the conversation, etc. In order to view the dispute, click on the view icon
List of cancelled bookings with the details of the rental name (cars), booking No, cancelled by whether car owner/passengers.
Cancellation percentage is the deduction percentage for cancelling the property.
Cancellation charges are based on the policy of the property and the criteria set by admin.
For viewing the conversation between the passengers and car owner, click on the view button under the actions column.
The details of the bookings which are cancelled and confirmed will be listed here. Admin can refund the amount based on the amount of booking and cancellation policy.
Generally, there are three types of cancellation:
Flexible - The percentage of the amount refunded to the passengers after some basic deductions. In flexible cancellation, the car owners can set any cancellation percentage. It could be 10% or 20% or any percentage of cancellation charges.
Strict - 99% refund policy fixed by admin, where admin will refund only 1% after deducting 99% of the amount. Only the security deposit will be refunded in full to the guests.
Moderate - 50% refund amount to the guests. 50% of the subtotal amount along with the security deposit.
Note: Security deposits are fully refunded irrespective of cancellation charges. Service fees will never be refunded to the passengers. The cancellation policy is applicable only for the subtotal amount. Bookings can be accepted or rejected either by the Admin or Car owners. If the booking cancellation is accepted/rejected by the admin, it cannot be changed by the car owner and vice versa.
Cancellations which are done by the car owners are listed in the rental car owner cancellation.
The two methods for refunding the amount to the passengers are the online and offline payment. In the offline payment method, refunds are processed through net banking method with the transaction id. Online payment method is refunds processed through PayPal.
The coupon code amount will be borne by the admin and the car owner will receive his entire booking commission.
Example: If a passenger has a coupon code for $50 and books a car for $200 per day. Applying the coupon code, the guest will pay only $150. Remaining $50 is the amount admin will need to borne and not the car owner.
List of coupons added by admin will be listed here. The type of coupon - percentage, flat.
List of coupon code available and it’s active or inactive for certain periods, or how many times will apply code.
While booking, passengers can add coupon codes which the admin adds. The coupon codes can be in percentage type or a flat amount.
List the coupon code, coupon name, validity of the coupon, etc.
The three payment gateway available for the users is credit card, stripe, and PayPal. Admin needs to enable all three payment gateway method so that users can make online payment while booking the cars.
Lists of pre-added currency lists by the admin will be listed under currency list. Admin can even set the default currency.
To set any currency as default in the site, click on , to edit any currency information, use the edit icon under action’s column and to view the details. Click on the status to active/inactive any currency.
For adding any currency, select the country, currency type of the particular company will be automatically set. Include the currency symbol and the status to active/inactive.
Admin needs to manually update the currency amount of from and to the country in the currency conversions.
Admin can set the default language for the site, change the language of the site. Guests can also use the drop-down list at the bottom of the site to choose language preference. If the admin has set the default site language like Chinese, guests can still change the language preference using the drop-down list of languages.
Multilingual languages added by the admin for the site. The site language will be updated according to the language set as default.
To set any language as default, click on . The default language will be updated in the site.
Language order is the preference of language.
The added language will be displayed to the passengers in the site, from which they can select the language of preference to view the site.
List of countries and their zone will be listed here. Active/Inactive status. Action buttons to edit the information, view and delete any country name.
Add a new state by selecting the country and type the state name. The state name will be shown under zones in the country list.
List of the city under each state name will be displayed here. Use action buttons under the Action column to make any changes or delete a particular city.
The featured cities will be shown in the front end page Homepage of the site, based on city names.
Admin can also arrange the order number on how the city will be displayed under the featured city list.
Admin can set the default language for the static pages. Changing the language will change the language of the static pages in the site. Users can also use the drop-down list to choose language preference. If the admin has set the static page language like Chinese, users can still change the language preference using the drop-down list of languages.
The web pages which are delivered to the user in the browser exactly as stored as the static pages.
List of additional pages and information at the footer of the site can be checked in the list of pages and arrange the order of preference how the list of pages is to be shown.
Admin can still hide a page even though a page is active.
To add a topic of the main page under the footer top menu, select the footer top menu, type the page name, page title, and description of the topic.
For the static pages to show the contents according to the language selection, add content according to language.
List of subscribers and their status whether active/inactive. To delete any subscriber click on icon.
The various subscriber email template can be viewed here. Having a template will help the admin to send the emails immediately to many subscribers.
Click on button to make any changes to the saved template. View or delete any template.
All the email template list will be listed here. Email template lists are used daily regarding any bookings, requests or any changes to the profile, password change, notification, etc.
FTo add an email template, type the name of the template, select the user to who you want to send this template, to the normal guests or only to the guests who have subscribed to your newsletter.
Enter the sender name (site name or business), the sender's email address (admin’s email address used in their business).
Admin can send a mass email when it's needed by selecting the audience, i.e either to all the guests in the site, or only to a few particular guests. For example: if the admin wants to send a coupon code for few guests only, he can send the email from the mass email campaign.
Add an attractive banner for your site which will be displayed in the front end home page of your site.
Click on the edit button to add a new banner image and view icon to view the details of the banner list.
Admin can list the positive feedback given to the admin by either the car owners or the passengers.
These testimonials will be shown on the front end homepage website. Admin can view, edit and delete any testimonials.
or adding any testimonials to the website, give the title for the testimonial, customer type - car owner or the passenger, description, and image if any.
Once submitted, the testimonials will be displayed on the website. Admin can publish/unpublish any testimonials from the testimonials list.
Preserve all the data of your site which will be helpful to restore the data in case the data are lost or corrupted.
Backup can be stored with admin’s email address, google plus account or the social media Logins. Admin can check their backup through the same email id given during the setting up the admin account.
All the enquiries which an admin get will be listed under enquiries. Click on icon to reply to the enquiries and icon to delete.
Having separate categories will be helpful to the different users of the site.
To view various languages used in FAQ, click on View under other language columns.
Add a sub-topic for easily finding the topics by clicking on the Add New in the top right corner.
Fill in the details and click submit.
Edit FAQ by choosing the category and topic. Type question and the answer of the FAQ to be added and click update. The FAQ will be shown on the site.
If you click yes for feature, the FAQ will be displayed in the FAQ front page.
Admin can update the currency conversion rates for the countries manually.